InDesign Articles

Two Colorado Libraries Partner with CIPA to Carry E-books

CIPA has asked all their member to this exciting and groundbreaking news! This is exciting for authors, readers, libraries…now you start to see the importance of the ePub format for eReaders like the iPad, No, Sony eReader and other-

What Is ePub?

I keep hearing the term ePub—what is it? You may have seen/heard the term ePub (or Epub, ePUB, EPUB, epub) and now you are starting to pay attention…but you still aren’t sure what it is or why it would be-

What You Should Make Sure You Get Out of Your Indesign Training Class

There are quite a bit of skills that you should ensure you get out of your InDesign training class. Adobe InDesign is a great program for someone interested in page layout and design. However when taking a training program it-

Types of Projects Adobe InDesign is Best Used For

Adobe has put a lot of effort into their InDesign software . They have recently introduced the InDesign CS5, which comes with a completely new list of features as well as improved usability. However, you are probably wondering if this-

What is Adobe InDesign

What is Adobe Indesign? Copyright © 2010 Mandi Pralle There are many different design packages now available to use, and when loing for one to suit you will need to research which ones are the best. What you use it-